About Me

Profile image of J'Neane Victor McDade, financial coach and founder of RESET Budgeting & Financial Coaching.

RESET Budgeting and Financial Coaching emerged from a remarkable journey of resilience, purpose, and personal growth. Back in 2000, J'Neane Victor McDade found herself amidst the dot-com crash, experiencing her first layoff. It was a challenging time, with accumulated credit card debt and student loans adding to her financial burden. Fast forward to 2005 when she aspired to buy her first home, only to be confronted with a harsh reality—a credit score of 529! Determined to take control of her financial narrative, J'Neane embarked on a transformative journey.

Today, J'Neane owns multiple properties, including a home in one of California's most prestigious cities, and is the author of When Money Management Isn’t About The Money - What To Do When Your Habits are Robbing Your Wealth, an Amazon #1 New Release. With a well-crafted budget in place, she enjoys the freedom to invest, save for retirement and her children's education, create a comfortable home for her mother's retirement, and even indulge in life's little pleasures. That 529 credit score is now a distant memory, replaced by a solid financial foundation. J'Neane has helped numerous individuals rebuild their relationship with money and elevate their credit scores to the 800s. Her passion for empowering others inspired her to turn her hobby of assisting friends, family, and church members into a thriving financial coaching business.

At RESET Budgeting and Financial Coaching, J'Neane's mission is to revolutionize her clients' mindset about money, liberate them from shame, facilitate a fresh start, and transform their lives. If you're tired of feeling trapped and long for a brighter financial future, J'Neane is here to guide you on the path to financial freedom.

Get ready to RESET your financial outlook and embrace the life that’s out there waiting for you!