Is Debt Consolidation Right for you in 2024?

Happy Holidays RESET family! 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday. And, if you’re new here, Welcome!  Take your shoes off, grab a blanket, get comfy and join us by the fire. We’re gonna talk about 2024…before we get to 2024.

I’ve been talking to some of my clients about their finances (of course), and what they can do to amp up their debt repayment efforts and reduce the amount of money going out every month. Thus, the conversation around debt consolidation has come up more than once, especially as we prepare to say farewell to 2023, and open the door to 2024!

If you, too, are being enticed by inserts and offers from creditors to consolidate your debt…STOP and READ THIS FIRST! The decision to venture into debt consolidation requires careful consideration of your individual circumstances, no matter how enticing those mailers and inserts are. Consolidation can be a help, or a harm if you don’t consider the outcomes in advance - it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Consider these 7 focus areas before jumping into debt consolidation:

  1. Understanding Your Debt Profile

  2. Consider Your Financial Goals

  3. Your Credit Score

  4. Your Debt Consolidation Options

  5. Consider Your Spending Habits

  6. Create a Realistic Repayment Plan

  7. Seek Help

1. Understanding Your Debt Profile
The first step in the debt consolidation journey is a thorough understanding of your existing debts. List all outstanding balances, interest rates, and monthly payments. This full view will help you identify, and for some acknowledge, your financial situation and determine whether debt consolidation is a viable option.

2. Consider Your Financial Goals
Whether you call them goals or core values, ask yourself: What are the things that I want out of life that are currently blocked due to my financial situation? What would my life look like without debt? For me, it was home ownership. Owning my own home and being able to take advantage of tax write-offs as a single woman became very important to me. Whether it's saving for a home, starting a business, or simply achieving a debt-free life, recognizing the things that are truly important to the life you desire to live will guide your debt consolidation decisions. A debt consolidation plan should align with your long-term financial goals rather than serve as a temporary fix.

3. Your Credit Score
Your credit score plays a crucial role in securing the best terms for a debt consolidation loan. Before making any decisions, obtain a copy of your credit report and assess your score. A higher credit score may qualify you for lower interest rates, potentially saving you money in the long run.

4. Your Debt Consolidation Options
There are various debt consolidation methods, such as balance transfers, debt consolidation loans, and debt management plans. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. Take the time to research and understand the implications of each method, choosing the one that best suits your needs and financial situation.

5. Consider Your Spending Habits
Debt consolidation is not a cure-all; it's a tool to simplify and manage debt more effectively. To achieve lasting financial freedom, it's crucial to address the root cause of your debt. Reflect on your spending habits and identify areas where you can make positive changes to prevent future financial challenges. Need support - RESET can help.

6. Create a Realistic Repayment Plan
When consolidating debt, it's essential to create a realistic repayment plan. Assess your monthly budget, ensuring that you can comfortably make the consolidated payments without sacrificing essential expenses. A well-thought-out plan will set the foundation for successful debt management.

7. Seek Help
Consulting with a financial coach at RESET Budgeting and Financial Coaching can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific circumstances. RESET offers personalized advice on debt consolidation, helping you make informed decisions about your specific financial profile to ensure the decision to consolidate, or not to consolidate, aligns with your financial goals.

Debt consolidation can be a powerful step towards financial stability, but its effectiveness truly is up to you. Remember, creditors are NOT doing you a favor by offering you the opportunity to consolidate your debt. The initial terms may sound amazing such as “0% interest for 6 months”, and “Transfer your balance with no fees.” Creditors bank on the fact that you will pay the minimum payment on this debt, and after those “magic” terms are up, interest rates can soar up to 24 and  25%, compounding interest on interest. You must have a solid game plan in place for this debt strategy to be successful.

By understanding your unique financial situation, setting clear goals, and making informed decisions, you can use debt consolidation as a stepping stone to a debt-free future. Remember, the journey to financial freedom is a personal one, and taking the time to tailor your approach will yield the most sustainable results.

Have a wonderful rest of 2023 and Happy 2024!  See ya in the new year!



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